The Light of Moonstone

The Light of Moonstone

What is it about Moonstone that is so mesmerizing? Maybe it’s the iridescent sheen, like that of the moon that catches the light and then disappears as fast as it came? Or maybe it’s the mysterious beauty of Moonstone that calls to us and beckons us to explore our Divine essence?    

Whatever the case, this stone has captured the eyes and hearts of humanity for centuries. 

The Romans used Moonstone in their jewellery dating back to almost 2000 years.  While in India, moonstone has been considered a sacred stone used in wedding ceremonies. In Europe and the Orient it has been thought of as a love stone and was worn to attract a lover! Another common use for moonstone has been one of “prophecy” and seeing the future. It has also been used by farmers to aid in the development of their crops. 

The colours of Moonstone range from whites and creams  to shades of peach, grey and green – all with a luminous glow like that of the moon. It can be found in IndiaSri LankaMadagascarAustralia and the United States.

Moonstone has been associated with feminine energy – Mother Earth, Goddess energy, the Moon – and the ebb and flow of the moon’s cycles. It supports all female issues:  enhancing fertility, easing pregnancy and childbirth, PMS and menopause, as well as calming extreme emotions. For men, it supports them in getting more in touch with their feminine side - tuning into their feelings and trusting their intuition.   

Moonstone not only supports our intuition and psychic ability, but also encourages us to journey inward to find our own answers, using both our heart and mind to determine the most beneficial timing to our choices, and embracing the cycles of creation. And for our outward journeys it has been known as the “traveller’s stone”, protecting one on their travels and bringing good luck!